Tips & Tricks

My personal tips and tricks to feel your best:

• When I want to really reset, the first thing I do is try to avoid gluten, dairy & sugar as these are all inflammatory.

• When it comes to caffeine, I usually do a coffee in the morning and a cup of tea in the afternoon.

• On a really healthy week, I like to have 1-2 glasses of wine a couple times throughout the course of the week. I’m not embarrassed to admit that I love a glass of vino but I also know that over-indulging will not make me feel my best. Red wine is my favorite way to imbibe.

• I try to drink 2-3L of water per day.

• I always aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep / night.

• If possible, I hold off on having breakfast until 9AM or 10AM to give me chance a body to reset from dinner the night before. This means lunch is at 1-ish and dinner is at 5:30 (we eat as a family so pretty early).

• If you tend to eat dinner later (6 or 7PM) and need a snack between lunch and dinner, consider any of the following:

• Raw veggies and a little bit of hummus

• A handful of gluten free crackers

• 3 Brazil nuts or a small handful of your favorite nut

• I aim to meditate 10+ minutes per day and most often use the Insight Timer app, unguided.

• I aim to get 20-30 minutes of movement in: whether it be my own pilates flow, a weight lifting session or a higher intensity sweat and I always try to walk 10K steps/day.

• In the morning, I have water with vitamin c and a pinch of celtic sea salt for minerals before enjoying an almond milk latte or my collagen coffee.