Catching Up, March '23
the view from our bedroom window last week
I don’t know about you but each year seems to be flying by faster than the last and 2023 is no exception. Since we arrived home from Maui, the weeks seem to be whizzing by in record time. I wanted to get back into writing a little more consistently here on the blog - random musings of what’s going on in my life as well as sharing things that I’m loving lately. So here goes! It’s going to be pretty free flow and I hope you like it.
The last few months have been a blur - between the kids getting settled back into their routine, flying to NYC for some meetings and to hang out with my best friends, and spending a ton of time in Whistler, I feel incredibly grateful and full of life. I just got back from a week in the mountains with my family and I have to say, our time together in the cabin is so special. It is absolutely my happy place and I can just feel these core memories being made. What I love most about being up there is the fact that nature really is our playground. Mornings are spent by the fire, gazing out over the lake. Days are spent skiing (truly where I feel most free), and afternoons are spent outside, playing in the snow before cooking a healthy meal and turning in early. It’s truly where I feel most at peace and most comfortable with myself and my family. I hope we can continue to prioritize time spent there.
In terms of what I’ve been loving lately other than time spent with my family, I just finished Your Honor on Showtime and was so sad with how it ended. Anyone else? I’ve been a little slower with reading lately but I’ve picked up Rob Lowe’s memoir for my trip to California this week since I’ve heard good things and I feel like diving into a story about someone’s life (while holding a real book). We’ve been fighting off some sort of virus similar to the flu for the past four weeks in our house (yes, you read that right…4 weeks) so I’ve really been leaning into matcha to help with my fatigue. I actually tried having it at 2PM yesterday which is usually a huge no-no for me but I fell asleep totally fine! So I’m going to go with it for now. This is the matcha I drink. It’s expensive but there’s a reason for it.
This week, it’s all about getting ready for my solo trip to visit my baby niece and family in California for my aunt’s birthday! P is joining me for the weekend. I’ll miss the kids but the 8 days we spent together helps ease the pain a little bit. Then I’m headed to Montreal to help launch our pop-up!! Honestly a dream come true and will be a post in it’s own right.
That’s all for now! xx